
What is a Lightbringer

So what is a Lightbringer?  Is this not the same as a Lightworker or a Starseed? Many have asked me this question over the years, and to be honest, i dont know the correct answer to this. So i'll just share my view on this, based on my own findings and experiences. But first i need you to understand the difference between dimensions and densities. Here's 4 videos that explain the difference, in detail (specially the last one): Rob explains The Difference Between Densities & Dimensions Aaron Abke - The Seven Densities of Consciousness // Law Of One 001 The Difference Between Densities & Dimensions (Law Of One) // Your Own Magic Podcast The Seven Densities Explained - Bentinho Massaro   And then there's the Ra collective , sharing their infinite wisdom: 51.1 Questioner: As we begin Book Three of The Law Of One there are a couple of questions, one of fairly non-transient importance and one which I consider to be a bit transient that I feel obligated to ask because

Loneliness and aloneness

So many people feeling lonely. Whether they are alone or surrounded by others. It is connection that they long for, knowing or unknowingly.  The root cause is our disconnection from source, whether you call it God, the divine or your higher self. From birth we've been severed thru fear, conditioning and programming, by our parents, family, friends,  education, culture and our social network. As the Light being (spirit) that we are, we agreed to a lot of these terms before incarnation. We knew what we were signing up for. Even the veil of forgetfulness was part of the deal. But the veil has been lifted and slowly we start to remember our true nature. The thing is, some of us are a bit ahead of the rest, who are still clueless of what's going on. This might be another cause of our confusion. When religion was replaced by science or spirituality, this was supposed to bring us all the answers. Yet many got lost, still seeking answers outside of themselves. So the answer is simple,

The four human races

( this is a work in progress ;) For a long time it has been believed that there is only one human race. Even tho  Rudolf Steiner  already spoke of five human root races in the late 19th century: the white (Caucasian), black (Negro), red (Native American), yellow (Asian) and blue (Indian). As of today modern anthropology continues to hang on to this old idea of one race, one origin. All the while a small set of individuals see the development of three new races. The five mentioned above can be seen as one ( Homo Sapiens ). And then there's three more:  With all the hybridization going on, adding more and more technology to the human body, even connecting our brain to a computer, but also the reprogramming of our minds (conditioning) thru social and mainstream media, mobile phones and other AI driven technology, we slowly see the development of the Homo Technus or cyborgs as i call them. The development of robots ( Homo Robotic ), looking more and more like 'real' humans, is

Rude awakening

Watch for free on  youtube  with subtitles or on the filmmakers website I love these independent types. They dont care about the old world, how things supposed to be done. They just do it their way and find their way to do it. I aspire to be that type as well and am deeply inspired by others who walk the same or similar path. So whats all of this about then? Well its about a documentary kinda movie called Rude Awakening . Most of you i share this with, have gone thru this process of awakening already or are in the midst of it. Specially the latter ones should watch it, as it will comfort em to know where this entire process leads to and how to get there. I know it is (or has been) not an easy journey for most of you. I sure had my share of ups and downs. But i've always had this deep inner knowing, that this is what i came here for: to also enjoy the immens suffering life as a human includes. Its part of the fun, actually. I totally enjoyed the deep depression i went thru, being ho

Heavens Cross

March 22 2023 a portal opened, initiating the birth of a new human species: Homo Christos. This event was introduced by Adamus, Saint Germain a few months before in the following video series: This Majestic Land & Heaven's Cross Adamus, Saint Germain explains: part 1 part 2 part 3 Merabh of Preparation - March 2023 During the actual event this live webcast was broadcasted and joined by many around the globe: The entire ALT series (and much more) can be watched  here More about this new human species in these two videos: Part 1   Part 2 I also liked these interviews a lot: Steve Rother Geoff Hoppe

Why we chose Earth

There has been so much talk about what humans did to Mother Earth, its inhabitants, nature, the environment and what not. Or what has been done to us, by the Anunnaki, Draco's, Gray's, Lucifer, Satan, who or whatever. But isnt this why you chose to incarnatie here and now!? You are not the victim of anything, nor are you the solution. In the words of Adyashanti and Mooji : "Nothing really ever happens". There ARE no problems, unless you create them of course. And isnt it awesome that we were given the opportunity to experience these realities? Like i once said to a spiritual teacher: "if i didnt want to experience suffering (on a 3D level) and all, i would have stayed 'home'..." So stop bitching, moaning, complaining or preaching that you know better or what's best! You're here just for the experience, the stage is set, all players in position, all in divine timing. Remember you are God's creation, everything is. You're Santa's li

Your choice

Dear sweet you-man Life as a human can be so frikken hard, so confusing, so frustrating, so irritating, so... And that list could be longer and longer, deeper and deeper into agony and self loathing. But does it have to be? No, it doesn't! That's your choice, the choice you can make in every now moment. It is you who created this reality, it is you that you're actually not acknowledging. You've made yourself so powerless by focusing on the external, on that which you cannot control or change. This is why you're suffering. This is why life seems so hard: you've made it so. Life's actually quite easy. Now don't get me wrong here. We're not judging you, or condemning. All we're saying is that you have made choices that have let up to this point. The place where you are right now, is a result of all the choices you have made, consciously and subconsciously. It's the latter part, that's most likely why you feel so powerless. Your subconscious

From trash-er to abundance

This is the story of a young woman exploring her true self (in Dunglish ;) 35 a Fresh start In 7 years almost al cels of the body renew themselfs. At 28 i went from living together with Jeffrey (ex boyfriend) and Diablo (dog) for 12 years in a normal home in my hometown to exploring the world. I realised that i have been given daily water to some rivers (talts) in my mind making them become very big. Giving talts to fairs that i never before had faced myself. I wanted to spend less time in this autopilot mode and give water to new perspectives. De last 7 years i have spent to peel off as much layers as i can, to become my true self and free my soal. I have been practicing a lot of taming and calming my mind in Azia. A lot of yoga made me come more aware of my body. I am now more aware of my body for bigger parts of my days. Yoga moved into dance and free movements, because i now kno better how my body wants to move by itself. Flexing and dancing during my day’s. Azia showed me to be m


THE MAN WHO WALKS WITH THE HEALER~ When a man chooses a woman who follows her calling, his only chance to maintain the connection is in following her… and above all in creating space for her to follow her own path. It may happen that he needs to abandon his own neediness, or that he finds a means of healing through their common path – but not in the gentlest manner. When a man chooses a woman who heals the collective wounds of the women by following her calling, his Yes for her equals a Yes to a bigger purpose far beyond building a house or raising children. Their connection goes beyond fulfilling the classical gender role models. For this man accepts the job of having the back of this woman, of catching her when she cannot transform the pain of the world anymore. It means for him to welcome a different form of sexuality, since healing on the level of sexuality is one of the most profound issues of the woman who needs to become a healer. For him this, again, is about welcoming slowness

Sometimes life just doesnt make sense...

Just watched this 90 minute documentary about a computer program that learned to play Go, a supposedly very intuitive Chinese boardgame, so complex that no computer could ever beat a human, because it's not creative or can't 'feel' its opponent. Well guess what, the AI (artificial intelligence) learned to play so well, it was able to beat one of the best players in the world. And not simply by calculating possibilities but by actually playing smart. You see, a computer program doesnt care if it wins by a large or small margin: a win is a win. So in the final game AlphaGo played some surprising moves, that humans normally wouldnt play because they make no sense, these moves did not look to be winning moves, but in the end they were winning moves because it had already calculated that it would win by half a point this way. The top player was surprised by how good the bot was actually playing, so he lost the first round, tested some things out in the second round, but the

2021 manifest

i invite my higher self into my heartspace i call upon the future version of me, who is living in a beautiful, spacious, luxurious home, where he can share rooms and living space - by choice - with friends and loved ones  this house is located in and surrounded by lots of nature, be it woods, dunes or lakes in which one can walk, play or swim freely without any restrictions this house is owned by me, which allows me to rent out rooms, receive guests for short term stay, and host private gatherings, with no interference from government officials, police or other institutional control  i call upon the universe to manifest this home for me, in the now with little investment, ease and grace on my part i thank my higher self, the universe and source for making this happen for me may signs be given to me in the now clearly for me to recognize be it with numbers, names  or easy to spot coincidences in this now moment and all now moments to follow until this home has been manifested here and n

To just be

In response to the post below: before anything, i will step out of defense mode, and open my heart you may wound me, hurt me, attempt to destroy me, i'll remain sovereign before anything, i will forgive you and share my vulnerability this may scare you, you might hate me, or avoid, i'll be here, for you and in return i ask only one thing, please be the you that you came here for you are magnificent, you are amazing, so just be you i'll be me, regardless, in love, The Light  As posted by Karen Star on Facebook For as long as the wounded feminine Continues to blame the masculine For her pain ... He will see it as an attack He will be in defence mode He will be in his head For as long as suppression of the feminine Is seen as being caused By the strength of the masculine She will be powerless She will be a victim She will be in her head Once she stops blaming him Once she ceases needing to change him Once she can claim her true role ... In any suppression She is still feeling

The Elohim

Message from the council of Elohim