The four human races

( this is a work in progress ;)

For a long time it has been believed that there is only one human race. Even tho Rudolf Steiner already spoke of five human root races in the late 19th century: the white (Caucasian), black (Negro), red (Native American), yellow (Asian) and blue (Indian). As of today modern anthropology continues to hang on to this old idea of one race, one origin. All the while a small set of individuals see the development of three new races. The five mentioned above can be seen as one (Homo Sapiens). And then there's three more: 

With all the hybridization going on, adding more and more technology to the human body, even connecting our brain to a computer, but also the reprogramming of our minds (conditioning) thru social and mainstream media, mobile phones and other AI driven technology, we slowly see the development of the Homo Technus or cyborgs as i call them.

The development of robots (Homo Robotic), looking more and more like 'real' humans, is going faster and faster. Before we know it, there will be androids walking around, possibly self aware or at least able to make their own decisions, obviously limited by their programming. But for how long?

The fourth race that's gradually growing in numbers is the Homo Christos. Fully aware and functioning on a 5th dimensional consciousness. Highly developed senses, more aligned with the divine plan and possibly the new human.

Homo sapiens

Or the modern day human evolved and spread from Africa according to commonly accepted modern anthropology but this completely ignores many other studies or theories. Some of these theories might sound far fetched, but since channeling has become more popular and thus more and more accepted as sources of information, the idea that humans didn't evolve from apes makes more and more sense.

When i was in my late 20's early 30's i read a few books that spoke of the Pleiadians, who supposedly seeded the human race. One story tells of a young pleiadian, that discovered the idea of a human race, uttered by his great grandfather, but was rejected by the council for the sole reason, that no race so young should be given free will. But the young Pleiadian was totally captured by this idea and convinced the council to give it another look. After careful consideration they agreed and added a few restrictions, just to be sure these humans wouldn't conquer the entire universe.

One of these restrictions is the 'veil of forgetfulness', where every soul that incarnates on Earth forgets who they are, where they came from and why they came here. Another restriction is the rule of non-interference. No race other than it's seeders was allowed to interfere in the natural development of this new species. This rule or law might have been broken or bend a few times, i'm not sure yet, as other books and channelings tell a different story.

The annunaki

One of these stories tells of the Anunnaki. A fierce race capable of destroying entire planets and thus whiping out its inhabitants from existence. According to translations of Sumerian clay tablets they come from a planet called Niburu and were involved in genetically mutating us humans. 

The story goes, that their planet was dying and they needed large amounts of a particular isotope of gold, which they found on earth. Powerful as they are, way more evolved and advanced in genetics, they mutated our genes and made us into a slave race.

Other versions of this story speak of influencing us in other ways, such as bribing or manipulating us with false promisses. Like the devil would tempt us into selling our soul. Seen from the perspective of the peoples back then (4000 bc) and how the telling of these stories gradually changed over time, as religion changed, its understandable that those stories arent very accurate. Back then humans probably didnt know anything about genetics or any other technology for that matter. 

Ten thousand years ago we were still running around in animal skins hunting mammoths and bison. Anything unexplanable was the doing of gods and deities, so ofcourse were these giant aliens with their elongated heads seen and reveared as Gods.

If modern day humans were to travel back in time, bringing their mobile phones and other technologies, we would be seen as all powerful as well. So anyways, these Annunaki have left our planet a long time, around the time of ancient Egypt.

To be continued...


Rudolf Steiner

Robert Sepehr 



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