Your choice

Dear sweet you-man

Life as a human can be so frikken hard, so confusing, so frustrating, so irritating, so... And that list could be longer and longer, deeper and deeper into agony and self loathing. But does it have to be?

No, it doesn't! That's your choice, the choice you can make in every now moment. It is you who created this reality, it is you that you're actually not acknowledging. You've made yourself so powerless by focusing on the external, on that which you cannot control or change.

This is why you're suffering. This is why life seems so hard: you've made it so. Life's actually quite easy. Now don't get me wrong here. We're not judging you, or condemning. All we're saying is that you have made choices that have let up to this point. The place where you are right now, is a result of all the choices you have made, consciously and subconsciously.

It's the latter part, that's most likely why you feel so powerless. Your subconscious programming, convictions and believes, that often times stem from past experiences or 'past' lifetimes. It's the linear mind that believes you went from A to B to C, and when you try to skip the B part, you will never reach C.

But you see, that's not how this universe works or functions. Time doesn't really exist. It's just a construct, a ways to experience linearity, so you can experience ups and downs, left and right, right and wrong. There is no IF, no OR. It's all the same thing, all happening at once.

No-thing in and of itself is good or bad, positive or negative. It's always both, and so much more! Remember, the YOU-niverse is infinite. There's infinite possibilities, the choice is yours. Even in the most challenging moments you can decide whether to gloat in it or to have peace with it. To accept and even appreciate The Moment.

Guilt, blame, shame can seem very logic, attractive, even satisfying, yet is this what you truly believe? Is this what you choose? Wouldn't you rather choose happiness, prosperity, abundance and compassion? The choice is yours, dear sweet you-man.

With love and the deepest respect for the journey you're on!


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