2021 manifest

i invite my higher self into my heartspace

i call upon the future version of me,
who is living in a beautiful, spacious, luxurious home,
where he can share rooms and living space - by choice - with friends and loved ones 

this house is located in and
surrounded by lots of nature,
be it woods, dunes or lakes
in which one can walk, play or swim freely
without any restrictions

this house is owned by me,
which allows me to rent out rooms,
receive guests for short term stay,
and host private gatherings,
with no interference from government officials,
police or other institutional control 

i call upon the universe
to manifest this home
for me, in the now
with little investment,
ease and grace on my part

i thank my higher self, the universe and source
for making this happen for me

may signs be given to me in the now
clearly for me to recognize
be it with numbers, names 
or easy to spot coincidences
in this now moment
and all now moments to follow
until this home has been manifested here and now 

i thank the ALL i AM
for these signs
and this manifestation

this is already bringing me great joy

thank you, thank you, thank you


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