Why we chose Earth

There has been so much talk about what humans did to Mother Earth, its inhabitants, nature, the environment and what not. Or what has been done to us, by the Anunnaki, Draco's, Gray's, Lucifer, Satan, who or whatever. But isnt this why you chose to incarnatie here and now!?

You are not the victim of anything, nor are you the solution. In the words of Adyashanti and Mooji: "Nothing really ever happens". There ARE no problems, unless you create them of course.

And isnt it awesome that we were given the opportunity to experience these realities? Like i once said to a spiritual teacher: "if i didnt want to experience suffering (on a 3D level) and all, i would have stayed 'home'..."

So stop bitching, moaning, complaining or preaching that you know better or what's best! You're here just for the experience, the stage is set, all players in position, all in divine timing.

Remember you are God's creation, everything is. You're Santa's little helper. Doing what you do best, by just being you. It really is that simple.


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