From trash-er to abundance

This is the story of a young woman exploring her true self (in Dunglish ;)

35 a Fresh start
In 7 years almost al cels of the body renew themselfs. At 28 i went from living together with Jeffrey (ex boyfriend) and Diablo (dog) for 12 years in a normal home in my hometown to exploring the world. I realised that i have been given daily water 💧 to some rivers (talts) in my mind making them become very big. Giving talts to fairs that i never before had faced myself. I wanted to spend less time in this autopilot mode and give water to new perspectives.
De last 7 years i have spent to peel off as much layers as i can, to become my true self and free my soal.
I have been practicing a lot of taming and calming my mind in Azia. A lot of yoga made me come more aware of my body. I am now more aware of my body for bigger parts of my days. Yoga moved into dance and free movements, because i now kno better how my body wants to move by itself. Flexing and dancing during my day’s. Azia showed me to be more humble and thankful 🙏🏼 for the simple things in life.
After 1,5 year i came back to The Netherlands. Open and with a fresh perspective i dove into a lot of corners that i had never discovered in my own country. I discovered that also in Nl there are people who live outside in nature🌳And i made a lot of friends who are living in harmony with nature, animals and people. The Kiva (later Kule) gave me a tribe. Together creating gatherings were Sharmaan’s, Derwish and other healers from all over the world share there knowledge. Creating ceremony’s together and spreading the love ❤️ and gratitude 🙏🏼 for the earth 🌍 and everything on and around it.
My friends invited me in there homes 🏡 . Im Connecting with all this beautiful homes and different types of ways of living (together). I felt very welcome. I feel more relaxt and ad home if the things around me are in order and have a logical place. So i was moving a lot of stuff in many different houses to make them feel more like home to me. Of course i was tuning in with my friends living in the houses to so thay also feel more at home and relaxt. Most times thay were so happy that thay give me food, a warm place to sleep and a lot of stuf that thay dint want anymore. A lot of trash-ers appeared in the dusty corners of the adic and barns.
I felt like living in abundance without having a income or a lot of possessions. This way of living opent my eyes to the abundance present all around. The plants 🌱 we can eat or juse to heal ourselfs, the food that gets trown away and a lot of people who like to share there skills in exchange for cleaning, massages, fotoshoots or just good company. Just doing what i feel to do in the moment without expectation. I like happy, loving and open people around me so most actions i do are based on making people happy. Jusing the skills I already have and learning new ones on the way. After 1,5 years in Netherland i felt like moving to the sun ☀️ again. I felt i was getting comfortable to a point that was not serving me anymore. Time to move into the grow zone again. The sun was calling me. I bought a car 🚙. Monique a new friend i made ask me if i wanted to join her to a community (Els Gorks) Spain, and we went.
I stayed in Els Gorks in Catalonie for 7 month. Learning a lot about living in and with nature and about building with natural materials. Now i look back my mind was still programmed on wanting to help like i hade done the last years. That made me feel wordy and jusefull. This program sometimes blocked me from opening up to the lessons i could learn from my new friends. I feel now that if i want to help someone, the other can feel that something is wrong with them. If i just do the things because i feel like it, there are no expectations. We can learn and do together. This can make both of us grow more site by site. Even with kids i like this equal approach. Then its a exchange flow both ways.
I have learned a lot and am very grateful for this time. I made a lot of new friends in this beautiful area. There are a lot of interesting people and community’s around there and i got to share a lot of perspectives with people. Helping out and learning along the way.
In the rainbow 🌈 ghathering in France 🇫🇷 i learned many scills how to build and live in the forrest with what there is around (natural material). I learned how to foculise cooking for 1000 people in the mountins of the Perenees. The vollentairs that came to cook made me feel like i had 40 hands. like a octopus 🐙 .
All over the world we organise rainbow ghatherings. People come together in the forrest like one big family. Cooking, living and creating together. Sharing workshops like mushroom walk, free your inner clown or massage. Exchanging experience and learning and playing together. If you surch for your country and then rainbow ghathering you will find them.
After 1 year my car needed to go to the control. I felt that owning a car was limiting me more and making me more material and heavy than that it was serving me. I felt guilty for the environment about the pollution i was creating. So i drove to Netherland to cel my car.
That is were i met Thijmen. With only a tent and backpack we cycled 🚲together to france 🇫🇷. With not much stuff and the knowledge were to find food and water 💦 all around life was very light. In every place looking wat can we exchange.
I learned this from the nature🌲. The tree takes water💦 from the earth 🌍 to make oxygen. Nourishing everything around. Connecting to the earth, the plants and animals around with roots and vibrations and adapting accourdenly (resonating).
If i buy my vedgetebles in the store i feel im not thinking about exchanging something with the earth. Im just giving money 💰 to people who are sometimes mollesting the land with monoculture. Often the producers dont work together with nature 🌱 but just take from it. If we all do only that, we suck the earth dry. I understand how this happened wen we started living with many people so close to eache other. But i prefer not to be a part of that wen i dont have to.
I whanted to create things with wat i found around me. Sinds i could not cary much myself with the backpack. In a squat (community living in a abandoned property) there was Simon telling me and Thijmen a lot about astrology. To grasp in space wat he was telling me we build a planetarium from bisicle weels. It is hanging on the seeling of the communal living room. The planets can move around in the space, making it possible for people to explain in 3D the position of the planets. This community goes trash-er hunting daily. Finding materials in de places were people trow away there future ect. There is a metal workshop, sowing room and theater room. And a abundance in material, food and closes that we could all use. All waste from the nearby towns that they collect. A lot of squats work like this. Giving the people the chance to create and do what they want because they don’t have to work all day to make money. Many beautiful community and art projects come from squats like this.
I got more inspired by the possibilities of resiceling♻️. I was getting more and more hurt by the idea of all this forgoten or trown away material that for other people is a gift. I was trying to take wat i can and spread it in other places. Going by bicycle and later hitchhiking was limiting my wish to recycle and distribute materials and food. I was dreaming about a van. To be continued….😁😘


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