Sometimes life just doesnt make sense...

Just watched this 90 minute documentary about a computer program that learned to play Go, a supposedly very intuitive Chinese boardgame, so complex that no computer could ever beat a human, because it's not creative or can't 'feel' its opponent.

Well guess what, the AI (artificial intelligence) learned to play so well, it was able to beat one of the best players in the world. And not simply by calculating possibilities but by actually playing smart. You see, a computer program doesnt care if it wins by a large or small margin: a win is a win.

So in the final game AlphaGo played some surprising moves, that humans normally wouldnt play because they make no sense, these moves did not look to be winning moves, but in the end they were winning moves because it had already calculated that it would win by half a point this way.

The top player was surprised by how good the bot was actually playing, so he lost the first round, tested some things out in the second round, but then again lost his nerves in the third round. He was under a lot of pressure (lots of media, the 'whole world' was watching.

What i learned from this docu is that sometimes life gives you challenges or your soul creates situations that make no sense at all.; not to the logical mind, nor the emotional. Even our higher-mind sometimes cant make head nor tails why our higher self / god / the universe / whatever puts us in such awkward confusing or even painful position... 

Why would a loving God / unconditional Love / Source have us suffer in this way? It makes no sense... at that time, that moment in time. And even looking back after many many years, having gone thru so much growth, we still cant understand why we had to go thru all of this.

Ofcourse its easy to say: this is just part of the human journey. We're not supposed to 'get it'. And therein lies the frustration of so many of us. We like to be in control. But then again, where would the fun be in knowing the end of a book, movie or game? 

So i suggest: just relax and enjoy the game - win or lose 


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