Rude awakening

Watch for free on youtube with subtitles or on the filmmakers website

I love these independent types. They dont care about the old world, how things supposed to be done. They just do it their way and find their way to do it. I aspire to be that type as well and am deeply inspired by others who walk the same or similar path.

So whats all of this about then?
Well its about a documentary kinda movie called Rude Awakening. Most of you i share this with, have gone thru this process of awakening already or are in the midst of it. Specially the latter ones should watch it, as it will comfort em to know where this entire process leads to and how to get there.

I know it is (or has been) not an easy journey for most of you. I sure had my share of ups and downs. But i've always had this deep inner knowing, that this is what i came here for: to also enjoy the immens suffering life as a human includes. Its part of the fun, actually. I totally enjoyed the deep depression i went thru, being homeless for a full year and all the heartaches after each breakup.

Several times i went so deep, that i literally asked God, the Universe or whoever's in control, to beam me up. I'm done. Please let this end. Cant take it anymore. And then the next day, or period, i had this huge breakthrough and life all made sense again.

Funny huh, how the dark night of the soul is actually a delight for the soul. Its the human thats not enjoying it, at all. Its the human that thinks its suffering. Poor fella, if only he knew... Well, ive always known. So one could say, i'm lucky or fortunate to be born this aware or awake. I sometimes joke about, how i had my fingers crossed, when we had to agree to forget everything at birth. I'm grateful that i've always felt the outsider and actually made it my gimmick. Me being different became my super power. 

Anyways, enjoy the free movie. Read why they chose to release it this way, and please share it with those in the midst of awakening. They definitely need it the most! We're not alone, and our numbers are growing. FAST!

Ok, thanx, bye


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