Loneliness and aloneness

So many people feeling lonely. Whether they are alone or surrounded by others. It is connection that they long for, knowing or unknowingly. 

The root cause is our disconnection from source, whether you call it God, the divine or your higher self. From birth we've been severed thru fear, conditioning and programming, by our parents, family, friends,  education, culture and our social network.

As the Light being (spirit) that we are, we agreed to a lot of these terms before incarnation. We knew what we were signing up for. Even the veil of forgetfulness was part of the deal. But the veil has been lifted and slowly we start to remember our true nature.

The thing is, some of us are a bit ahead of the rest, who are still clueless of what's going on. This might be another cause of our confusion. When religion was replaced by science or spirituality, this was supposed to bring us all the answers. Yet many got lost, still seeking answers outside of themselves.

So the answer is simple, yet no easy task, or so it may seem. Reconnect with your higher self. You are never truly alone. You are one with all, all one. Let that really sink in. Every time and any time you feel alone or loneliness, connect with your higher self by realizing you are one with all. 

You are all-that-is. The chatter that goes on and on, in your head, or wherever you experience the mind, is a constant reminder that you are not your thoughts. You are the one who is aware of them. When you no longer identify yourself with your name, the way you look, feel, sound or think, your personality, the character you play in this brilliantly insane movie scene, that's where the magic starts.

And i don't mean in a dissociative manner, tho that might 'feel' fantastic, for a while. You are not really feeling. This is more like a bypass, rather than full awareness. Its just another escape mechanism, an 'easy' way out.

Being the true you takes a lot of courage and is quite a big responsibility. No one to blame anymore, not even you! No more hiding behind false images, masks or victimhood. Just being you!

And the easy part: it actually takes a lot of effort not to be you. You are always you anyways 😁

Different approach, same topic: Lorie Ladd at YouTube


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