To just be

In response to the post below:

before anything, i will step out of defense mode, and open my heart
you may wound me, hurt me, attempt to destroy me, i'll remain sovereign

before anything, i will forgive you and share my vulnerability
this may scare you, you might hate me, or avoid, i'll be here, for you

and in return i ask only one thing, please be the you that you came here for
you are magnificent, you are amazing, so just be you

i'll be me, regardless, in love,
The Light 

As posted by Karen Star on Facebook

For as long as the wounded feminine
Continues to blame the masculine
For her pain ...

He will see it as an attack
He will be in defence mode
He will be in his head

For as long as suppression of the feminine
Is seen as being caused
By the strength of the masculine

She will be powerless
She will be a victim
She will be in her head

Once she stops blaming him
Once she ceases needing to change him
Once she can claim her true role ...

In any suppression
She is still feeling
For all emotional pain
She is still bleeding

The masculine can step out
Of defence mode...

And dance into love



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